понедельник, 6 декабря 2010 г.

Washington Peace Conference 1861

   Washington, as the capital of the USA may be regarded as the most notable battlefield, where silent, concealed and sometimes secret battles were arranged. In fact, the conflict was warmed up by the adoption of the new constitution clauses by Abraham Lincoln. His presidential victory was the origin of the secession process that was started from South Carolina. A February Peace Conference of 1861 was aimed at resolving the crisis diplomatically, nevertheless, the attempt was failed.

      This was one of the most notable events in the history of American Civil War, hence, if you need a research dedicated to the origin of the American Civil War, it should be started from the trip to Washington DC, where the conference was held. My essay papers writing was mainly based on the documents and protocols that may be found in the library of Congress. Surely, these are the evidences of the official history, and most of them have been already used in historical researches, nevertheless, the importance of this trip is large enough. It deserves an attention of a small original writing essay, as the trip to the library may originate other successful ideas for further researches.